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Belarus parades gun-wielding beauty queens in a bid to 'inspire' girls to join the military

Posted By: Saleem, September 30, 2023 | 06:29:18

Belarus parades gun-wielding beauty queens in a bid to 'inspire' girls to join the military


Belarus parades gun-wielding beauty queens in a bid to 'inspire' girls to join the military and fight for Putin-ally Lukashenko

An online backlash has hit Russia's bid to indoctrinate schoolgirls to fight for Vladimir Putin.

Most of the country's propaganda war has been aimed at boys, but now it is switching to girls.

An example is in Primorsky region where for the first time schoolgirls aged 15 and 16 are inducted in 'military-patriotic education'.
In neighbouring Belarus, beauty pageant contestants were recruited to 'inspire' girls and women to join up and fight for Putin-ally and vote-rigging dictator Alexander Lukashenko.

In Primorsky - in the far eats of Russia - some 75 schoolgirls were trained in military 'basics' including drilling, tactical, fire and physical training, and instruction in radiation, chemical and biological protection.

It was the first 'female session' at the Avangard centre for military-patriotic education of the youth.

By the end of the year another 300 girls - and 1,000 boys - will be enrolled on intense five-day courses seen as precursors to military careers or mobilisation.

Such moves are underway across Russia's 11 time zones amid Putin's war against Ukraine.

This comes as numbers have swollen in Putin's Yunarmia, or Young Army, likened to the Hitler Youth, with 1.4 million signed up.

The organisation has been accused of militarisation of young people in Russia.

In Primorsky senior education official Oksana Novikova told the girls: 'Love of the Motherland, patriotism, and responsibility have always been instilled in young people, regardless of gender.

'You are the first in our female team, so I want to wish you good luck, patience and, of course, unlock your potential - go for it.'


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