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Election Rigging: PTI Chairman Imran Khan Presents 2000 Pages white Paper

Posted By: Karim Ali Multan, August 21, 2013 | 10:02:44

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan said on Wednesday that the party has compiled a 2,000 paged white paper, which he claims proves that the elections were rigged.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, he said, “if the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) fails to put a stop to rigging in the upcoming elections then it will be responsible for the consequences.”

He added that during the general elections the party had “full faith” on ECP and weren’t prepared to take any steps against rigging. However, the party was now prepared, he stated.

PTI Chairman said that the focus behind the press conference was to ensure improvement in the electoral process.
He said that if voters lose their faith in the election process then the voter turnout would decrease.

“Voter turn-out rate was immensely affected after the 1970 general elections owing to massive rigging, failing democracy and martial laws. This time, however, it increased after many years.”

“It’s not just PTI but others who have also complained about rigging in the general elections. We requested the Chief Justice of Pakistan to conduct a thumb print verification process in just four constituencies but it was revealed that he already had 20,000 cases pending,” said Khan.
“What could be more important than this?’ he added.

The PTI chairman said that a lot of secrets will be unveiled in the white paper document.
Bringing his address to a close, he recommended that biometric polling be introduced for the next elections.
“We will introduce this system in our (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) province,” he said.

